Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Seed And The Sower

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells the parable of The Seed And The Sower. Jesus tells how seed was sown on different types of ground. About a month ago, we took learning about this parable a step further. We took seed and gave it to a few youth members. The first, threw seed along a path. The second, planted their seed in a pot with rocky soil. The third, planted their seed in a pot with high grass and weeds. The fourth, planted their seed in a pot with very good mulch, but was not to take care or even water their seed. The fifth, planted their seed in a pot with very good mulch as well, but was asked to take very good care of it. We asked the youth members to take home their seed project and bring it back in a month, so we could gauge the results.

The results were as follows:
- The seed along the path: No harvest at all. We could not even tell there was seed that was sown.
- The seed in the rocky soil: A small plant sprang up quickly, then died when a dog knocked over the pot. In the end, we could not even tell that there was anything planted in it.
- The seed in the weeds: A small plant sprang up quickly, but then died almost immediately. Like the bible states the plant was not able to draw enough nutrients, water and sun from the soil to survive.
- The seed in the good soil, not cared for: A tiny plant sprang up quickly, but also died quickly. The moisture in the soil allowed a tiny plant to spring up, but without consistent water the plant died. In the end, we had a hard time finding the seed/ plant in the soil.
- The seed in the good soil, cared for: A plant sprang up quickly, and continued to grow with very good results.

What we learned:
We must prepare our hearts to receive the word that is sown into our lives. But it doesn't stop there... we must continue to nourish the word that was sown in our lives with bible study, prayer, and fellowship. By continuing to nourish it, we guarantee it's survival and ours!

Friday, October 14, 2011

You Can Now Follow The SOULED OUT YOUTH Blog Simply By Typing In Your Email Address!!!!

You Can Now Keep Up With The SOULED OUT YOUTH Blog, Just By Typing In Your Email Address!!!

A newly added feature to the SOULED OUT YOUTH Blog, now allows you follow the Blog simply by typing your email address in and pressing submit. It can be any email address, from any provider! Once your email address is submitted, you will receive an email when new posts are added. It's that simple.... Awesomeness!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sowing Seeds

When we sow seeds, do we always realize what we are planting?
Many times we sow terrible seeds without even knowing what they are doing. When we make fun of the way someone looks or dresses, we are planting bad seeds in their life. No matter how harmless "we think" our jokes are, they can have a very damaging effect on people.

This week decide to have a positive effect on people's lives.

Try to let that old saying guide you.... if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!