Saturday, July 28, 2012

What is hell like?

Think to yourself about some of the characteristics of hell?
  What is it like? What does the bible say specifically about hell?
Hell is a place of torture and torment. A place that is worse than your worst nightmare, and a hundred times scarier and more spin-chilling than any movie could describe it.

So if hell is that bad, why don't we tell people about the love of God?
  A love so strong and so deep that he sent His only son (Jesus Christ) to die on a cross so that we may live. A love that can save them from a place where there will be weeping (describes deep sorrow) and gnashing of teeth (describes a strong anger or fierce pain).

  That's just a few things we discussed in class last Wednesday, as we began an in-depth bible study that (if we allow it) will change our lives!

So who the bible say goes to hell?
  We will cover that next week at Souled Out Youth.