Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Afterlife" - Switchfoot

"Change My Life" - Ashes Remain

Beginning Your Experience With God

  You may have been frustrated in your Christian Experience because you know God has a more abundant life for you than you have experienced so far. Perhaps you have been a believer for many years, but your Christian life has become dry and monotonous, and you deeply desire to walk in faith the way you once did. Maybe you have heard others excitedly talking about what God is doing in their lives, and you long to have a dynamic walk with God too. These are all signs that God is leading you to a closer walk with him.

So how can you get to where you want to be?

First things first, check yourself! We must make sure our heart is pure, by rededicating our life to him. Read the following scriptures:
- Romans 3:23: All have sinned.
- Romans 6:23: The wages of sin is death, but eternal life is a free gift of God.
- Romans 5:8: Because of His love for you, Jesus (by dying) paid the death penalty for your sins.
- Romans 10:9-10: Confess Jesus as Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead.
- Romans 10:13: Ask God to save you, and He will!!

How awesome is that!!

  You may feel like you are in a place where nothing you do is working in your life. You just feel like you have a big hole inside of you, an emptiness inside of you that you can't fill no matter how much alcohol you drink, drugs you do, or people you sleep with. NEWS FLASH! God placed that hole inside of you, and it's a hole so big that it could only be filled by Him. God wants you to seek Him. Jesus said that those who seek him, would find him.
Make that choice today, by following these easy steps:
1. Recognize you have messed up and need a saving relationship with Jesus Christ
2. Tell God that you know you have messed up
3. Leaving your sins and turn to God
4. Ask Jesus to come into your life and save you by His grace
5. Turn over your life to Jesus, allowing Him to lead and guide you through whatever comes your way

If you have any questions or just need help... please leave a comment, or email us!